Born to Die


On the night Christ was born

Author: Ron Hamilton
Tune: NELSON (Hamilton)
CCLI Number: 1682
Published in 2 hymnals

Author: Ron Hamilton

In honor and memory of Ron (“Patch the Pirate”) Hamilton (1950-2023), the American Christian musician, lyricist, composer, and president and owner of Majesty Music, who passed away last week on April 19, the posts this week will be about him. After finishing high school, in 1969 Ron went on to Bob Jones University (BJU) in Greenville, SC, where he received a BA in Church Music in 1973, followed by an MA in Church Music Composition. While at BJU Ron met Shelly Garlock at vesper choir, directed by her father, Dr. Frank Garlock; it was “love at first sight” and six years later, on May 31, 1975, they were married. They have five children: Jonathan, Tara, Alyssa, Megan, and Jason. Immediately, they began working at Majesty Music, a Christian… Go to person page >

Chorus 1

Born to die upon Calv’ry
Jesus suffered my sin to forgive
Born to die upon Calv’ry
He was wounded that I might live

Verse 1

On the night Christ was born
Just before break of morn
As the stars in the sky were fading
O’er the place where He lay
Fell a shadow cold and gray
Of a cross that would humble a King

Verse 2

Jesus knew when He came
He would suffer in shame
He could feel ev’ry pain and sorrow
But He left Paradise
With His blood He paid the price
My redemption to Jesus I owe

Verse 3

From His throne Jesus came
Laid aside heaven’s fame
In exchange for the cross of Calv’ry
For my gain suffered loss
For my sin He bore the cross
He was wounded and I was set free

Verse 4

Dearest Lord evermore
May Thy cross I adore
As I follow the path to Calv’ry
Of Thy death I partake
My ambition I forsake
All my will I surrender to Thee

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