Our God Among Us

Our about

For Years we've told the story

For Years we’ve told the storn

Of Jesus and His birth

Of angels and of shepherds

And wise men with their worth.

Of Mary and of Joseph

In Bethlehem that night

Announcing to a darkened world

A ray of truth and light.

Our about

His Life Became a legend

His life became a legend

A show of truth and love

And history records it

This man from heaven above.

And Though He lived among us

Our God in Human Form

It wasn’t long ’til he went home

To stand beside the throne.

Our about

His death was sad and lonely - The Third day he arose again.

His death was sad and lonely

In Misery and woe

He bore humiliation

So he our pain could know

He paid sin’s debt forever

He conquered death and hell

The third Day He arose again

And we His Story Tell.

Our about

There's a new day coming!

But there’s a new day coming

He’ll split the eastern sky

All Christians will be taken

To live with Him on High.

All sorrows will be over

He’ll wipe away the tears

And we’ll come down

To rule and reign with 

Him a thousand years.

Our about

Oh Hallelujah, Our God among us.

The world is longing for His appearing

Oh, Can’t you see him upon his throne.

Oh Hallelujah

Oh What A Moment

Our God Among us

And We his own.

 Category: Love of Jesus

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