

salvationThis song was written when I was at a church in Florida and had just heard a very good sermon.  The outline of the sermon composes the three verses of this song and the chorus or refrain is, I believe, one of the best definitions of the Salvation of a Christian that one can find anywhere.  Every Church in America should sing this and teach it in their Sunday School classes so children will never have any doubt about what it means to be saved.  See a video about Salvation here:




1.Salvation is knowing a person

A Friend like no other is He.

When He touches lives they are quickened,

The Word because flesh just for me.




We’re saved when we come to the savior,

We’re saved when we cling to His Grace. 

We’re saved when we trust His Provision,

We’re saved at a time and a place.

We’re saved when we know He has heard us.

We’re saved when our guilt He’ll erase.

We’re saved when His Spirit has entered.

We’re saved when we look on His Face.


2. Salvation is having provision.

His blood paid the debt long ago.

He freely gives justification.

He’s building my mansion I know.




We’re saved when we come to the savior,

We’re saved when we cling to His Grace. 

We’re saved when we trust His Provision,

We’re saved at a time and a place.

We’re saved when we know He has heard us.

We’re saved when our guilt He’ll erase.

We’re saved when His Spirit has entered.

We’re saved when we look on His Face.


3. Salvation is being God’s partner.

We tell the whole world of His love.

He walks with us through our dark valleys.

He prays to our Father above.




We’re saved when we come to the savior,

We’re saved when we cling to His Grace. 

We’re saved when we trust His Provision,

We’re saved at a time and a place.

We’re saved when we know He has heard us.

We’re saved when our guilt He’ll erase.

We’re saved when His Spirit has entered.

We’re saved when we look on His Face.




 Category: Salvation

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